Keiretsu Forum London
London is at the heart of the world’s financial markets. It is a unique concentration of international expertise and capital, with a supportive legal and regulatory system, an advanced communications and information technology infrastructure and an unrivalled concentration of professional services.

London is the world’s leading centre for international finance and business opportunities. From around the world provide a massive pool of human expertise. It is a centre for innovation and new financial products, and new technology to make business more cost-effective and able to react to a fast-changing world.
London's breadth of international financial dealing is quite remarkable. It is unique as a centre where international issues and international markets dominate.
- No.1 European city for business: London was voted the top city for the 18th year running in 2007, ranking first for easy access to markets so far. Source: European Cities Monitor
- Booming economy: London’s economy is expected to grow at a faster rate than New York, Paris or any other established global city and will become the fourth largest city economy in the world by 2020. Source: PWC Economics
- Magnet for foreign investment: a quarter of London businesses are foreign.
- Springboard to Europe: London is the gateway to the European Union’s 27 member states, the biggest single market in the world, with a population of nearly 500 million.
- Easy to set up and expand: there are fewer restrictions concerning international ownership and doing business in the UK than in any other major European country. Transparent corporate governance regulations contribute to low-risk regulatory environment. UK company law allows for faster start-up.
- Top talent: London is home to Europe’s largest regional workforce — more than 9.8 million, with one in three holding a university degree. It’s also a magnet for highly-experienced senior managers.
- Science and technology: London is a world leader in the science and technology sectors which consists of universities, further education colleges, research institutions and businesses, are the key to inspiring new innovations through knowledge transfer of cutting edge design and creativity.
- The easiest place to set up and run a business in Europe: The World Bank found that it takes 13 days to set up a business in UK, compared to the European average of 32 days
- Low tax rate environment for foreign investors: The top corporate rate will be 28 per cent from April 2008, below most of the UK’s core competitors.
- Least barriers to entrepreneurship in the world: The OECD noted that the UK is second in the world for Product Market Regulation behind Australia, has the least barriers to entrepreneurship in the world and has the third least barriers to trade and investment in the world.
- World leader in innovation: The UK is one of the most productive places for innovation firms in the world, ranking second only to the USA for the quality of its research base.
- One of the most stable political environments to do business: According to Transparency International, the UK is one of the most transparent (least corrupt) countries in the world.
- Booming economy: The UK has one of the highest GDP growth rates in Europe, well above the European and Eurozone averages. Source: OECD
- Number one location for European headquarters: More overseas companies set up their European headquarters in the UK than anywhere else. Source: UK Trade & Investment.
8. Magnet for foreign investment: In 2006, the UK attracted and retained over one trillion US dollars of investment: the highest in Europe and the second largest in the world.

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