- Specific experience
- Overall experience
- Complete team
- Level of technology risk
- Time to prototypes
- Time to first ship
Market Opportunity
- Market definition
- Market size
- Market growth rate
- Significant competitors
- Domestic or International
Capital Structure
- Amount and type of investment
- Venture or institutional investors
- Date of last round
- Price of last round
- Loans outstanding
Company Strategy
- Does the company address a significant problem?
- Proposed competitive advantages (i.e. price, patent, lead time, skilled personnel, etc.)
- Does the company effectively communicate its message?
- Can the company distinguish itself from the competition?
Intellectual Property
- Number of patents granted
- Number of patents applied for
- Scope and strength of patents
- Licenses owned
Proposed Deal
- Amount requested
- Pre-investment valuation
- Post-investment valuation
- Terms
What the company needs
- Revise strategy
- Revamp business model
- Replace top management
- Augment management
- Refine marketing
Company Financial Status
- Current burn rate
- Cash horizon
- Quarters to B/E
Liquidity Event